
Can reports be scheduled for delivery?




  • Mike
    Hi Donna,

    Sorry for the delay. I did some checking with our Product Team to verify and at this time, the process is still manual, either through Tasks or using Certifications. I've passed along your interest in this functionality and I'll keep you updated as I get more info. Give me a holler if you have questions in the meantime. Thanks as always and have a great day!
  • Mike

    Hi Donna!

    Quick update here about a recently launched new product called Processes. With this new availability, you are able to build out more tasking, assigned them and and set an approver, along with a due date, and if you want the tasks to go all together, or in sequence. You are also able to copy the process to reuse it again. More info on Processes can be found here on our Help site: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/sections/360009876152-Process.

  • Marja Nijpels

    Hi Mike,

    I'm interested to know if it's possible to schedule these processes. For example, I have a process that needs to be started 6 times a year. Now I use PowerAutomate the send automated emails during the year. Would it also be possible to have the processes automatically started at a certain date?

  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Marja Nijpels, you can find the answer here

