
"Import query result into table" connector?




  • Isaac Oard

    Hi Andrew McKenzie 
    Thanks for your feedback! I will get you added to an idea ticket now.


  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Andrew, I wanted to provide steps to accomplish this within a Chain while the idea ticket that Isaac submitted is reviewed and pending.

    The method for adding Query results into a Wdata Table would be to first use the Run Query command then the Download Query Result command. These two commands will run and retrieve the Query results that can then be loaded into the Wdata Table. To do that, use the Create File and Import File Into Table commands. At minimum, these four commands will allow you to load the Query results into a Wdata Table.

    To take it a step further, it is leading practice and recommend to use the Load Data to Wdata template instead of the Create File and Import File Into Table commands. You may also want to consider adding additional logic to transform the Query output data as necessary prior to loading it into the Wdata Table as well as including error handling in your Chain.

  • Andrew McKenzie

    Thanks Jeff Hickey for pointing me to the template!

