クラシックファイルタイプは、2021年1月をもって使用不可となりました。クラシックファイルを移行するか、PDFをダウンロードすることができます。 詳細を見る

Automated Table of Contents




  • Liz Walters

    Hi Ashley,

    Apologies about the delayed response here. Thank you for your patience, and we have some answers for you now.

    1. The Automated TOC just pulls in the page numbers as they exist, and there not an option at this time to add a prefix to the page number. 
    2. Right now, the section names and page numbers have to be formatted the same. 
    3. We do not have an option to not include the page number for some sections. 
    4. It may take a few seconds, but deleted headings in the document should be removed from the auto TOC. If you have found a situation where this is not the case, I would recommend contacting our support team.

    For items 1-3, I will open some product feedback tickets to let our product team know that you are interested in those features. We'll also keep you updated on if there are any changes to those requests. 

    Thank you!

