
Comment in the Email




  • Mike

    Hi Dararith!

    The good news is yes, there is a setting for that. Its not on by default but we can turn it on for you per request. This will enable the content of comment notifications (directed comments and thread notifications) to be shown in the email itself.

    Let me know if you'd like this turned on and I'll get cracking on my end. Thanks for the question and chat soon!

  • Julie Hilsher

    Is this something that has to be turned on for the organization, workspace, or individual user?

  • Mike

    Hi  Julie!

    This setting is enabled per Workspace.

  • Dararith Yat

    Thanks Mike. Would it impact the person that we mention only right? 

    For example: If we mention Mr. A, only Mr. A will get the email notification, and only Mr. A will be able to see the detailed comment and thread over the email. The other user that we don't mention in the comment, will not impact at all. Do I understand correctly? 

  • Mike

    No problem. And good question. I checked some of our experts here, and the answer is it depends on what email notification has been chosen on the file. Today you can choose between three options:

    • Only my @ mentions notifies you only when someone tags your username, a group you’re a member of, or specifically uses the @thread tag
    • Replies to threads I’m participating in sends you an email any time someone replies in a comment thread you’ve previously replied to or were tagged in
    • All comments on this document notifies you any time there is a comment made of any type, including replies and mentions.
  • Dararith Yat

    Thanks Mike for the options provided. After discussing with my manager, we would like to request to Turn it On by choosing the "Replies to threads I’m participating in" for our comment in our SEC workspace. 

    Thank you. We really appreciate it. 

  • Mike

    No problem. Happy to get this going. We'll be in touch as soon as this gets enabled for you.

