New Certifications Features
I am trying to test the new certifications and I am having trouble performing several functions that I was able to do with the legacy certification process. Would someone be able to walk me through the steps to perform the following?
1) After setting up my processes, I have hit Run. Subsequent to hitting run, I would like to delete one of the Certifications. How do I go about doing this?
2) The legacy Certifications had the capability to 'close' a process such that no edits could be made. How do I do that with the new Certifications? If necessary, how would I 'Reopen' a closed process?
3) How do I copy a process to create a new process? For example, I would like to copy last month's process to avoid having to recreate multiple certifications, signers, approvers, etc.
4) How do I export the responses to see the response provided by the signer? When I click on Certification Responses on the top left under 'Reports', and hit Export to PDF, I can see who signed it and when, but I do not see their response. This certification that I am referring to has the open to select Yes/No, and the signer selected 'Yes', but there is no indication that either button has been submitted. Additionally, I do not see a report which also shows what files were attached.
Appreciate the help in getting used to the new Certifications!
Happy to help Michael Roman!
- I think if you’ve already hit run, then you need to cancel first (a button near the dashboard buttons) and can then delete.
The concept of 'open/closed' is replaced with 'started/complete'. The process will automatically complete when the last step has finalized. If you really want to manually close it, there is a simple solution. Simply add a 'task' action as the final step in the process and assign it to the process owner. The process won't finish until you open that task and mark it as 'complete'. Unfortunately, there is no ability to re-open processes and no plans for supporting that in the next 6 months. You can copy a completed process to roll it forward.
- You can copy a process using the same steps as other files within Workiva. So, just right click and select copy.
- We have a certification responses report in new certs similar to the responses report in classic. It shows the answers and comments signers/approvers made and can be exported to csv for filtering and sorting by responses or signers (control owners), etc. Once the process is run containing the certs, you will see three little icons in the top left of the process. The third one to the right is for the response report.