
Write the date of actualization in an specific cell with chains




  • 正式なコメント
    Tony Scalese

    Hola Mounir,

    The Command you used is correct but you need to use the Create File Command from the File Utilities BizApp/Connector to generate the CSV.  In that Command, the text to be added would be the system data and time.  Then you would use the Output of that command as the Data File in this Command.  You may want to consider applying variable transformation to the system date & time to make the time stamp you output more user friendly.  

    We are launching a Template in the next couple of weeks that provides an elegant way to write status back to spreadsheets.  Bookmark this site and be sure to occasionally check the Templates in Chain Builder to see this and all the Templates created and maintained by Workiva.  

    Hope that helps.


  • Jeff Hickey

    Hello Mounir,

    Yes, you can use Runtime variables to get date and time information. For example, the System.DateTime variable will return the current date and time. Here is an example of the output: 2023-05-04T21:47:29.143662Z. You could then write this information into a specific cell within a Sheet using Write sheet data command and specifying the Region.

  • Mounir Chebicheb de la Torre

    Hi Jeff, first of all thank you for your help!!

    Yesterday I tried what you told me but I have a question. When filling with the Write Sheet Data module, I need to specify the CSV file where the data to write is located, but this System.DateTime variable is not a CSV. Do you think I should take a previous step?

