Update a table's query dataset as a chain
回答済みI am using the Update a table's query dataset as a chain (Update a table's query dataset as a chain – Support Center (workiva.com)) and I get an error in the Download query results block. The error is as follows:
Error running query: objectId size must be between 0 and 32
. Code 400
Result: Error running query: objectId size must be between 0 and 32
. Code 400
Attached the screenshot of the error and the block configuration:
Could you tell me how to fix this error?
could you please help me with this error?
0Hi Pablo!
Thanks for reaching out. To get you some quicker and technical assistance from our support team, I've drummed up a ticket for you and pinged our team. Should you want to contact them directly, you can reference ticket ID #224930. Let me know if you have any questions for me in the meantime.
0Hi Pablo,
The error is thrown because you are passing a json file instead of a valid query result ID. The Download Query Result node requires a valid query result ID. Below is a screenshot that highlights the json file being passed into the node incorrectly.