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Comments Feature - Permissions and Making Private



8 commenti

  • Commento ufficiale

    Fantastic news, comment enthusiasts! As announced by Mallory Earll yesterday at Amplify Americas, comment permissions has now been made generally available for all Workiva accounts! 🥳

    Thanks so much for your patience and feedback along the way. We couldn't have done it without ya! Let us know what you think. Have a great day in the meantime. And if you're at Amplify, be sure to give Mallory a hug. 

  • Brandon Ehrecke

    Hi Junot!

    Thank you for providing this feedback. This is a great idea and this is something that is currently in the works. Unfortunately, we do not have an exact timeline for when this will be made available however. I've submitted this to our product team to be linked with the current idea so that you will be notified of any relevant updates regarding this process. Please let us know if you have any additional questions in the meantime. Thanks!

  • Alethea Agurs

    This has been a day one request since discovery.  Ability to limit comments to specified users or within the agency only vs. all who have access (i.e. external auditors)

  • Jeff Thorpe

    Is there a way to disable comment permissions for all users? As the document owner, I would prefer that users not add permissions to their comments and that comments remain visible to all.

  • Sam Norman

    As a document owner, I'd prefer to automate that comments made by internal reviewers be visible to only internal groups. For example, I'd like it to automatically restrict any external users from viewing those comments, and I'd like to do that on the front end instead of putting the responsibility on my editors / viewers to remember to set the permissions when making their comments. Is this an option with the new feature?


  • Mike

    Sorry for the delay here Jeff Thorpe and Sam Norman. Thank you both for you insights here. Currently you cannot disable comment permissions by user, though we can disable the feature itself if you desire. That said, I'm happy to add this request to our product team's list of improvements.

    For auto-restricting comment permissions based on groups, that also is not an option as of yet but happy to pass that along as well. We'll get you both connected on our end but do let us know if you have any follow-ups in the meantime. Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Marcia Valenzuela

    As a document owner, I'd rather have the possibility of restricting users or group of users to use this permissions feature for comments because I loose track of the open items even though they are not addressed to me directly. An alternative to this could be that document owners can see all comments even if they have restrictions.

  • Robert Fecher

    I'm surprised that even as an admin I can't review the comments that have this permission restriction. Someone used these for the first time recently and it also wasn't super apparent from the user perspective that others were locked out of the comment. We have owners who scour all of the comments before filing everything and this is one more potential obstacle to that process. We like the idea to keep auditors out of possible comments, but want to have more permissions around who can get into these comments (even if they aren't originally tagged).


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