I tipi di file classici non potranno più essere utilizzati a partire da gennaio 2021. È possibile effettuare la transizione dei file classici o scaricare un PDF. Ulteriori informazioni


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2 commenti

  • Mike

    Hi Ken!

    Thanks for asking.

    Based on our interpretation of that ruling, as you stated, the requirement to tag Form 11-Ks is 3 years out. This ruling now appears in the Federal Register and the effective date will be July 11, 2022, meaning that this requirement would start to require XBRL in 11-Ks in July 2025. However, we encourage all filers ​to confirm with their legal ​counsel on where their fiscal year falls ​in relation to this effective date.

    Hope that helps. Let me know what questions you have an if you need anything else. Cheers!

  • Kenneth Ho

    Thanks Mike.  Very helpful.  


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