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Negative number in Doughnut chart



3 commenti

  • Commento ufficiale
    Kevin Walker

    Hey Li Liu - Thanks for reaching out!

    I am the Product Manager for Charts in Workiva. Can you share with me an example setup of the data you wish to use?

    For example: 

    • Slice 1: $100
    • Slice 2: $200
    • Slice 3: -$50

    Also, is there an example of a chart you've made like this before you can post as well? (Different applications handle negative values in pie charts differently and want to make sure I know what you're looking for). 



  • Li Liu

    Hi Kevin

    Thanks for your reply, here's the example:

    1st picture is the chart created on MS PowerPoint, 2nd one is the chart i got on Wdesk using the same data set as the 1st pic.

    The issue is on Wdesk the proportion of the negative amount (Legend DDD)  is not shown up and the portion of some items are not shown properly (Legend EEE).

    Please let me know if you need any further information.


  • Kevin Walker

    Hi Li Liu - This example is perfect! Thank you for sharing it. 

    I think what you're asking for makes a LOT of sense. I've taken note of it in our backlog of improvements. I can't give you a timeline. However, I expect we will get to it; it's very reasonable and something I think we should do. 

    In the mean-time, here is a workaround:

    1. Using formulas, convert the number to a positive number (e.g., =-1*(CELL VALUE))
    2. Right click the cell and open "cell properties"
    3. Set the value format to "Number" or your preferred value format (just not auto)
    4. In the "Prefix" field, type the negative sign "-"

    This will treat the negative value as a positive data point, which will plot properly, but look like a negative value (since you added a custom cell prefix).

    Thank you for your patience while we find time on the roadmap to make this improvement!



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