Merge source link
I'm trying to streamline the primary date inputs and there are two cells with the same information (e.g., they are showing the same year). Each of the cells is linked to different locations in various documents, presentations, and other spreadsheets. Short of relinking everything to the one I want to keep, is there a way to somehow merge the sources so the cell I want to keep somehow keeps all the links it has but also inherits the other source cell's links? Cut and paste doesn't work because some overlap error comes up (and I wouldn't want to lose the links of the source cell that I'm pasting over anyway). Please let me know if there's a workaround you might be able to suggest.
Commento ufficiale
Hi Jhoanne,
Unfortunately there is not a current ability to merge sources at this time. I will create an idea ticket and send it to our product team for further investigation. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you!
I'm looking for this functionality as well - it'd be very beneficial.
0any update on this feature?
0Hi Daniel Kiss,
Sadly, there no update at this time. The feature remains proposed to our product team and we'll continue to update users of any progress here!
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