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XBRL Compare



15 commenti

  • Commento ufficiale

    Hi Lisa!

    Thanks for the note. I do owe an update here.

    As of June 2022, XBRL Review has been made generally available for all iXBRL users in Workiva, so no need to request beta access. Here's the release note on that: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/7383053276564-Release-Notes-June-20-June-24-2022#h_01G6NQYYY3M43807ZEY20EVQWT.

    More info on the XBRL Review tools can be found here on Help: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/categories/360005233792-XBRL.

    Thanks again for you question, and for those that beta tested, for helping provide input. Holler with any questions and have a super day!

  • Mike

    Hi Ken!

    I've been asking around and one way you could achieve this is through XBRL Blacklines (https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036007291-XBRL-blacklines).

    When you select that option from the XBRL Generation you want to compare, there is an "upload" option.

    Here you could insert the download of another XBRL file and run the blackline. For example, if you are looking at a prior filing on the SEC's site, if you click Menu, you can choose Save XBRL Zip File.

    Does this achieve what you are looking for, possibly?

  • Kenneth Ho

    Thanks Mike.  Yes, I am aware of this function.  I thought I saw something from Amplify that certain XBRL compare functions will be enhanced in the near future so just checking to see if any updates.  

    Have a nice weekend.  


  • Mike

    No problem!  But yes, I too have a feeling there is more. Lemme dig a little more and see what I can find.

  • Alecia Valek

    Hi Mike! I am very interested in this capability and hoping you can help explain more. I tested out the blackline as explained above in which I downloaded the zip file of our Q2 filing and then uploaded the zip file to the blackline generation to compare to our Q3 filing. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work out well as majority of the information was showing as a complete deletion/addition. Did I perhaps do something wrong or is there someone that could help walk me through this? Being able to generate a blackline across periods would be a huge help for our process!

  • Alecia Valek

    Hi Mike, I just wanted to clarify on my previous comment. When I performed the blackline, for majority of the information it showed Q2 tagging as an entire deletion and Q3 tagging as an entire addition. There was only a small portion that only showed the date changes which is more in line with what I would have expected to see as our tags don't generally change quarter to quarter. Thanks!

  • Mike

    Kenneth Ho Alecia Valek great news! I did chat with the product manager for XBRL and he mentioned that the team is currently building out a set of functionality for XBRL review, which is currently in beta. If interested, I'd happy to get you connected with our product team here to join the beta and get early access. Let me know your thoughts, and if you have any questions.

    Cheers, and happy Friday!

  • Alecia Valek

    Mike That would be great! I would be very interested in joining the beta and getting early access. Thanks!

  • Brandy Taylor

    Mike, I would also like to join the beta and get early access, if possible. :)

  • Kenneth Ho


    That is great news.  Please put me on beta.  

  • Lisa Miller


    Any update on this functionality?  Would be a great tool for review.

    Thank you!

  • Alecia Valek

    Hi Mike,

    Although the XBRL Review functionality works great for when rolling a 10-Q, the functionality does not appear to accomplish comparing XBRL for a 10-Q vs. a 10-K. At least for how we have our report set up, we have a separate document for out 10-Q vs. our 10-K. When the 10-Q is rolled from Q1 through Q3, we are able to utilize the XBRL Review functionality, but now that we are using our 10-K document (9/30 YE), we have to start from scratch. Is there any functionality that will allow us to run a compare across documents for XBRL?


  • Mike

    Apologies for the delay, Lisa Miller. Yes, the XBRL Review tools are now generally available to all XBRL users. More info on this can be found here on Help: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/categories/360005233792-XBRL. Give me a holler if you have any questions there.

    Hello Alecia Valek!

    Thanks for sharing. The short answer is no. However, when chatting with our product managers, they felt this was an interesting request and would like to learn more about your need. If you'd be interested, I can get you connected with them so setup a time chat. Let me know what think. Thanks again and happy Friday!

  • Liuba Miranosava

    Hi Mike, have there been any updates on creating a blackline between reports (e.g.; 10Q vs. 10K) as Alecia mentioned? Thanks!

  • Mike

    Hi Liuba!

    Ye, this should be possible today, but perhaps not conveniently. You could achieve this by downloading the 10-K filing docs and uploading into a 10-Q blackline (or vice versa). This is mentioned in step 4 of this Help article. That said, let me know what feedback or questions you have here. Thanks and have a great day!

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