Authorship Colors
PianificatoIs there a way to change the color assigned to a user for Authorship purposes?
We have two primary users currently working in Workiva, and the colors assigned to us are virtually the same, which makes it nearly impossible to see which user made which changes within the document when the Authorship overlay is turned on in the History pane:
For example, Beth entered the 20 and Kelly entered the 90 in the screen shot below, but it's really hard to tell which is which.
Well, that is an unfortunate color choice there by ol' Workiva. Not terribly helpful, as you note.
Sadly, you cannot change this color today, though this is a request we've had (see here). It is planned to develop, though it is likely to be later into 2022. I've got your interest logged and will definitely keep you apprised.
Thanks for your question, and welcome to the Community, Kelly! Great to have here. 😎
0We are having the same issue with the primary users being assigned the same color. Has there been any updates on this?
0Hello and welcome to the Community, Heidi!
Thanks for chiming in. At this time there's not any new changes, though this continues to rise up the ranks in popularity. We are very near planning for next quarter and should this get picked up or added to the roadmap, we'll let you know.
In the meantime, I will get your feedback logged so you can stay apprised. Give us a holler if you have any questions in the meantime. Thanks and have a great weekend!
0Hi Mike, I wanted to follow up to see if there was an update for this request. My color along with one of the other primary contributors are both gray and are very close to the original gray color. Thank you!
0Hi Tremain!
As noted here, this is definitely a suggestion we're looking at and is likely for our 2023 roadmap at some point. We'll keep you posted on any status changes though. Thanks for the note and have a great rest of your day!
0I agree. I am having this same issue. My assigned color is gray and the original document color is gray. Makes it impossible to follow the revisions. Any update on getting this worked out as I see the post is 7+ months old?
Thank you!
1Hello and welcome to the community, Shauna!
Yikes, gray on gray doesn't sound ideal. As far as any new updates, sadly there's not been much change. This is on the docket to be done at some point, though its not yet been picked up for work. There's still hope for it yet and I do appreciate you candor here. I've shared your feedback and we'll definitely keep you apprised of any changes. Thanks again and keep staying awesome!
0I also would like to see this update made available, many users in our workspace who work together in numerous documents have almost identical colors.
Why can we not have a simple color palette to pick our color in our profile settings?1Welcome to the Community Samuel Casey,
This is on our roadmap! I'd be happy to get you added as a follower on the request for this feature. You'll be notified of any future updates and releases.
0I would like to request that this update be made available. It's difficult to differentiate between the original version (light gray) and the revised version from a user (i.e. dark gray). It would be helpful if this could be made a user preference or an administrator designation.
0Has there been any update on this? We are having the same issue. Multiple authors, colors are hard to differentiate.
0This has not been addressed yet but, remains on our roadmap as it is a highly requested enhancement. I'm happy to add you to our notification list so you'll receive automatic updates on this :)
0Is there a workaround? For example, If we remove a user and re-add them, will the authorship colour be automatically updated and re-assigned with a new colour?
Kindly add me to your notification list. I hope it will be addressed soon. Thanks.
0Hi Emily Yu,
From my understanding the color is assigned when the user is added to the workspace, so you could theoretically remove the user and re-add them to try and get a different color. However, this is not a guarantee. Feel free to go ahead and try that to see if anything changes. In the meantime, I will get you added to this request and we will notify you with updates from our end.
0Thank you for your reply. I tried it with a user. It didn't work. She's stuck with green and that means I'm stuck with grey. LOL! Let's hope your product engineer can correct that soon. Thanks!
0We too are seeing a similar issue where two of our three main users have a very similar color. Would love to be informed should we be able to update the users colors in the future.
0I see what you mean there! I got you added to this feature request so you can be notified of any updates made! Thank you!
0Can you please add me to the list to be notified. If there is no way to change the color assigned, this really is not really a benefit/feature of Workiva. Also, I have several people that are color blind. When Workiva develops a solution, they should also consider colors scheme that are more suitable for people that are color blind.
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