I tipi di file classici non potranno più essere utilizzati a partire da gennaio 2021. È possibile effettuare la transizione dei file classici o scaricare un PDF. Ulteriori informazioni

Return copy

Con risposta


1 commento

  • Mike

    Hi Marcia!

    Sorry for the delay here. You might have already got the answer, but for future passers-by, here goes nothing...

    During a filing, if Return Copy is checked, you'll get exact copy of filing stored on EDGAR Filing site. For other, non-Section 16 filings, this option also exits and process includes downloading a copy of your filing from your private EDGAR Filing website for up to seven days after the filing.
    Hopefully that helps answer your question. Let me know what follow-ups you have or if you need anything else. Cheers, and happy filings!

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