Water fall label too small
Hi, could some chart expert help with the label for waterfall? We have some some bars, which are too small for show label inside (example as left bar). If use excel, can drag the label outside to the side (example as right). Any ways to achieve this kind of outside label in Workiva? Thanks.
Hello and welcome to the Community, Carrie!
Good question. After some initial testing, I'm not seeing a way to achieve this with a waterfall chart. For a line chart you can position a value top, bottom, left or right, but I do not see a left or right option for columns, bars or waterfalls. That being said, our Product Team is working on chart label improvements, so I'm happy to send this suggestion their way.
If you're in a Presentation, you could create the label as a text box and place it wherever you want. However, in a Document there' s no free form text box options so you'd be limited there. I'll bring this up to our Chart experts too to get their take. In the meantime, I'd be interested how others might achieve this.
Give me a holler if you have any questions and thanks for your contributions. Happy Friday!
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