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Cover page tagging

Con risposta


1 commento

  • Mike

    Hi Aruna!

    Based on the recent SEC Final Rule - Release No. 34-88365, yes, you would need to tag this. This post outlines it a bit, but you'd want to choose the element IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag, which is only found in the 2020 DEI Taxonomy. To tag it, you'd need to make sure you are using the 2020 US GAAP and 2020 DEI taxonomies in tandem. If you're using the 2019 DEI, you'll need to migrate that taxonomy to tag it. Here's some steps for Migrating Taxonomies found on our Help site.

    Once you are using those taxonomies, you'd want to tag it first by inserting the checkbox symbol from the Insert > Symbol menu and then applying the tag to that symbol.

    Does this make sense? Let me know what questions you have on the above, or if you need anything further. Thanks, and happy tagging!


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