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When should the "Net" label role should be used?

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2 commenti

  • Mike
    Hi Chrystal,
    The SEC EDGAR Filing  Manual has different rules requiring the use of certain label roles for certain  occasions (e.g. Total, Period Start, Period End, etc.). However, the net label  role has no required use specified in the EDGAR Filing Manual. Although the  name ‘net’ might suggest that it could be used as another type or replacement of the ‘total’ label role, it should not be. 
    We do support it in Wdesk since its part of the XBRL architecture, but we apply the other label roles due to the lack of official guidance related to the ‘net’ label role.
    Let me know if you have any questions and have a great weekend!
  • Chrystal Mabou

    Makes sense Thanks for the quick reply!


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