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I want to create my chart similar to the below screenshot. How do I accomplish? I don't see much options.

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9 commenti

  • Mike

    Hi Naresh!

    That's a fine lookin' chart, for sure. To make this in Workiva, you'd need to first insert a Combo chart. From there, you'd need to first add your data in like so:

    The important thing to note with Combo charts is the line value will be the last row, but you can adjust it later in the Chart Properties if you want too.

    Next I adjusted which axis each series went on, i.e. set the Exposure values to be the left axis and the A/E to be the right axis. From there I set what range the axis should be, and their step intervals. Here's my setup:

    Lastly, I tweaked how they should look, i.e. the Series color, width, values, etc. All of this is found in the Chart Properties on the right-hand panel. For more info on these settings and steps, you can check out the Help article on Column, Bar and Combo Charts.

    Does this help answer your question? Let me know what other questions you do have, or if you need anything further. Always happy to help. Thanks and have a super day!

  • venkat naresh yarlagadda

    Hi Mike, Thank you so much. Have a question on the percentage. On the Right Y axis, I am not able to fit in the lines as per the values given in the min and max value fields. The line is flat. Also how can I show the numbers as 50%,60% etc on the Y axis on Right?

  • venkat naresh yarlagadda
    how do I get the percentage symbol to the values on the right Y axis?
  • venkat naresh yarlagadda
    how do I get the percentage symbol to the values on the Left Y axis not the right
  • Mike

    Hi Naresh!

    No problem, happy to help!

    To confirm, from the above image, you are wanting to add the % symbol on the left axis?

    If so, that actually is driven from the percentage values in your data. Click on the chart and choose Chart Data. Next, select the values that are in the A/E series and from Value Format click the % icon to add the symbol back. If you then navigate back to your chart, the symbol should be on both your series values, and your axis.

    Let me know if I've missed the mark there or you have any questions on the above. Thanks as always and talk soon. Happy Monday!

  • venkat naresh yarlagadda

    I did change the setting to percentage the value changed to the above from 127.8. I tried to adjust the decimal values but not working.

  • Mike


    The value must be entered in as 127.8 instead of 1.278. If you re-enter the values as so, it should render correctly. You'll want to also adjust your axis min and max to be .6 and 2 to correspond. Does that make sense?

    Holler if you have any questions. Cheers!

  • venkat naresh yarlagadda


    This is the chart I built. My chart data has the straight percentage values 128, 88.7 etc for A/E. Will this not work to get the percentage symbol displayed? My min and max values are 50,200.

  • Mike

    Thanks for sharing the added info. Very helpful.

    You are correct, though. If your values are in straight percentages, then you wouldn't be able to add the % sign in the axis or series data, as doing so would convert your values to the raw percentages, i.e. 12870% instead of 128.7%. If you adjust to be the percent values, then your min/max would be .5 and 2.


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