EFM 6.5.40 - DEI Elements XBRL Validation Warning
If you’re filing with the 2017 Taxonomy:
Note that you WILL also receive a filing warning. This is an SEC bug that occurs on all 2017 filings and there is nothing a filer can do to resolve it. We believe the SEC is working to resolve this issue and we’ll keep you informed if and when that happens.
You can ignore these validation messages. The new elements associated with EFM 6.5.40 are only applicable when filing with the 2018 Taxonomy.
You will need to address these messages to meet the new DEI requirements. You can walk through these Warnings by right-clicking on the Warning and selecting View Detailed Information.
Do NOT extend for new DEI items in 2017 taxonomy.
We would NOT recommend migrating taxonomies within two weeks of your filing date.
-Angie Kooiker, Vice President of Professional Services
I've checked with our CSM and here is how to resolve these warnings:
You should add two new rows to the DEI section and put a “false” as a value for these two line items, if you are not a Small business or an Emerging growth company. Use dei:EntitySmallBusiness and dei:EntityEmergingGrowthCompany tags to tag the new concepts. If you want to read the SEC ruling and figure out if your company falls in a Small Business or an Emerging Growth Company category, read this ruling https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2017/33-10332.pdf
0That is correct, Tamara, for the 2018 taxonomy, you'd need to tag both items to address the issue. Furthermore, you'd want to also make sure you are including the tag dei:EntityFilerCategory as well, which you should already historically be tagging. 0Il post è chiuso ai commenti.
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