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How do you double tag something in Next Gen inline xbrl?

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3 commenti

  • Mike
    Hi Michelle!

    Sorry for the delay in getting back with you. I can quickly explain how its done in next generation XBRL.
    1. Select the item and choose Add Fact;
    2. Browse and apply the second tag;
    3. Select the tagged item and choose Add Fact again;
    4. Browse and apply the second tag to the item;
    5. Use Inspect Facts to see the individual tags
    I'm digging up some example images as well, but wanted to provide the nitty-gritty for ya quickly.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions or follow-up for me. Thanks as always and happy Friday!
  • Michelle Cole

    I guess I will need images.  I am not sure where the Add Fact and Inspect Fact functions are.  Thank you!
  • Mike
    Here ya go, Michelle!

    Step 1 - Add First Tag to Value with Add Fact

    This found in the XBRL toolbar in the top left.

    Step 2 - Browse and Apply the Tag

    Click Select Concept from the XBRL tagging panel on the right. Then click back on the same value and choose Add Fact again and from the same window above, choose Select Concept and browse for a new concept and apply it.

    Step 3 - View Both Facts with Inspect Elements

    This is found in the XBRL tagging panel on the right hand side. You can switch between the two concepts via the left and right arrows.

    Hopefully this was more help for you. Do let me know if you need anything else, or have any additional questions. Happy Friday in the meantime. Cheers!

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