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Is there a way to hide a specific series label in the legend?

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1 commento

  • Mike
    Hi Scott,

    Currently, in the classic Chart editor in Wdesk, you cannot remove a series from the legend without also removing it from the chart itself. However, this can be achieved through a workaround. In general, the workaround depends on where the chart is located.

    In my example below, I took away the legend as a whole and recreated it in some from using shapes and text boxes. Note that is method is only possible in Presentations, as shapes and text boxes cannot be added to a Document. Note as well that I linked the label for my series from the chart data.

    If this chart is found in a Document, the workaround gets a bit tougher since the only way to sort of recreating the legend would be through using a table. In my example below, I tried recreating a simple line chart but the struggle I found was in the shapes of the series, which is a diamond symbol inserted into the cell, and the weight of the "line", which is really just a row sized down to 4 pixels--the minimum height for a row.

    A third option would be to create this chart either in a Presentation or outside of Wdesk and save it as an image and insert into your Document. While this is not ideal as its not editable after the fact, it would work if needed.

    Lastly, as I mentioned above this is not available in classic Charts, however, the option to show a series in a legend or not IS available in our next generation Charts. For more info there, check out this site on our Success Center.

    Thanks again and hope this helps. Let me know if there are any questions for me on the above, or anything else. Have a great day in the meantime!

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