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Keep with Next Formatting Does Not Work with Charts

Con risposta


5 commenti

  • Mike

    Hi John,

    Sorry to hear you having trouble getting that chart to behave nicely. I did a little digging and found what might be the culprit.

    First, turn on non-printing characters. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+8. Then, go to where the paragraph and chart are breaking.

    The blue line on the left indicates a Keep With Next, the blue dot is a space, and the blue paragraph symbol is a hard return. Keep With Next doesn't span down to a chart, but is instead attached to a space. To resolve, highlight the entire chart and the paragraph above (as well as removed the space). The entire paragraph and chart will now stay together across the page.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if this does not resolve or you have additional questions for me. Thanks for the question and have a great day!

  • Karen Charlton

    I am having this issue now, after making sure there are no blank lines between the text and the table or chart that follows.

  • Mike

    Hi Karen!

    Thanks for reaching out. I tested again to see in what scenarios that might happen, and one instance I did find was when several paragraphs were tied together via Keep with next, it pulled the paragraph I had connected to my Chart up with the other paragraphs of text and away from the Chart which split onto the next page.

    If I removed the Keep with next from the previous paragraphs, it allowed my last paragraph to move with the Chart.

    I'm not sure if this is the case for you, but wanted to check. Let me know what you find, and if you have any questions for me. Chat soon!

  • Karen Charlton

    Thanks for this. That solved the issue!

  • Mike

    That's great to hear, Karen! Happy to help :)


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