Image in table cell
we have an svg file (the bubbles with 'EG') and want to insert it into a cell of a table.
How is it possible to set the alignment to middle? It is aligned middle but it does not appear in the middle of the cell.
I have a couple of ideas for you to try!
- Have you tried to double click into the cell, highlight the image, and then click to vertical align?
- Are the image sizes the same, or does the middle one have white space below the circle?
- Are there any hard returns after the middle image?
Please let me know if these fix/don't fix it! 🤞
0Hi Brooke Mortvedt,
thank you for your message.
I've tried the things described, but it doesn't work. I've also tried the attached picture.
0So sorry you're still having this issue! I have one more suggestion - Can you click into the cell and click the clear formatting button and then try again to both center it and vertical align? Sometimes this will help it get back to working how it should! Please let me know, I'm hoping we can get this figured out for you :)
Have a good day!
0Hi Brooke Mortvedt,
no worries. I've tested it without success. I've made a short video where you can see that we have a white background in the image (but I can only attach images). This is necessary for us. The image should fit in the line with its size.
best regards
0Hi Brooke Mortvedt,
do you have any other ideas to solve this problem?
Best regards
0I apologize, I am out of ideas to help! I created a ticket to see if this bug can be fixed for you! You can follow the progress on your request here.
Thank you!
0Hi Brooke Mortvedt,
sounds great, thank you.
Best regards
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