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401 "No valid API token provided" When Calling Prototype APIs

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1 commento

  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Devan Birmingham,

    Authorization for the prototype APIs is the same a the production APIs. More information here https://developers.workiva.com/prototype-platform/prototype-authentication/. I did successfully test the endpoint to retrieve a list of audits. You may want to include the verbose option to help with troubleshooting. Below is an example. Make sure that your API Grant has the necessary scope(s) (the example below requires graph:read) and that the username associated with your Grant has permissions to perform the operations. Then request a new bearer token, and within 10 minutes, try the example below:

    curl -v GET https://api.app.wdesk.com/prototype/platform/audits --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"

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