I tipi di file classici non potranno più essere utilizzati a partire da gennaio 2021. È possibile effettuare la transizione dei file classici o scaricare un PDF. Ulteriori informazioni

Image Placeholder Custom Shape



4 commenti

  • Nat F

    Adding this feature to my wish list too! :) 

  • MacKenzie Schrotenboer

    Hi Taylor Hughes, I don't believe this can currently be done in Workiva. However, this is a great idea I am happy to spin up a ticket for this request!

  • Martin Baars

    Hi, I also need the function to be able to exchange images. It is particularly important when pictures are provided with a comment. Because if I want to replace an image with another one, the only option at the moment is to delete the old image and reposition the new one, whereby the comment on the image is lost.

  • MacKenzie Schrotenboer

    Hi Martin Baars Thanks for your input, I'll get you added to the request!


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