EDGAR Release 24.4 - December 16, 2024
On December 16, 2024, the SEC introduced EDGAR Release 24.4 that included EDGAR filing website and EDGAR Online updates as well as the following XBRL Updates:
- EDGAR will be updated to accept the 2024Q4 version of the Variable Insurance Products (“VIP”) XBRL taxonomy, which incorporates new disclosure requirements on Form N-4 for non-variable annuities. (2024Q4 VIP taxonomy is now available within the Workiva platform)
- Starting January 1, 2025, all new inline XBRL filings will display with IXViewer Plus on SEC.gov. IXViewer Legacy will remain in use for existing filings and those submitted through December 31, 2024 (except for those with multiple inline XBRL documents or instances, or a reference to ffd or sbs taxonomy, which will continue to use IXViewerPlus). The Workiva platform has now been updated to incorporate these changes to the SEC Viewer. The changes include visual updates to the viewer including a new red highlighting feature for XBRL applied to text blocks. See more information below.
- EDGAR update to allow RXP filings in Inline XBRL in addition to traditional XBRL-XML format.
This release also included the EDGAR Filing Website update for added support for a new Form SHO related to Rule 13f-2 for 13F institutional investment managers. For more information on this new form, please see the related community post for Form SHO - another 13F Reporting Requirement.
SEC iXViewer Plus Visual Updates
The SEC Viewer within the Workiva platform has been updated to incorporate the visual changes the SEC released for the iXViewer Plus. These visual improvements include updated coloring scheme and a new highlighting feature for text blocks and table text blocks using RED highlighting to view the XBRL fact applied within the document as shown below:
Additional Resources
SEC Announcement - EDGAR Release 24.4
Variable Insurance Product Taxonomy Guide
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