I tipi di file classici non potranno più essere utilizzati a partire da gennaio 2021. È possibile effettuare la transizione dei file classici o scaricare un PDF. Ulteriori informazioni

Permissions Groups Restoration

Con risposta


1 commento

  • Mike

    Hi Dawn,

    I checked on the first item, and sadly a removal of a group or removal of a person from a group cannot be restored.

    As a Workspace Owner, are you able to grant yourself permission to another group that does have access to those files? A Workspace Owner should also be able to view all content, even if they are not directly permissioned to it. If you are hitting snags, another Workspace Owner may be able to edit you/add you if so.

    Let me know if you have any follow-ups for me or need anything else. Chat soon!


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