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Issue Remediation - How are other teams tracking the progress of issue remediations (e.g. start/due date, status, notes)?



3 commenti

  • Russell Aldridge

    Kevin, did you ever come up with anything on this front?  I'm newer to my organization, but we are trying to figure this out as well - would be nice to be able to create an Issue, assign it to someone, then have Workiva send them automated notifications that a management response has been requested, etc.

  • Pernilla Osterlindh

    Hi Russell,

    It´s possible to have requests that goes out to the stakeholders. We have our issues and action plans setup with the possibility to create requests. In addition we also have user centric reports where users themselves can find any issues assigned to them (where they are put as stakeholder) and a report for my action plan. I would suggest that you talk to your Workiva contact and ask them to set it up for you if you don´t already have it setup

  • Russell Aldridge

    Thanks Pernilla for your reply!  Regarding your first comment, are you saying that you are able to create a request from within the 'Remediation' experience when you are looking at a specific Issue?


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