Dynamic contents table creation
I expect this has already been requested. Could we create contents table in a document dynamically based on sections and sub-sections, similarly to being able to easilty create a contnets table in MS Word. Creating a table and inserting every setion and then page number is very time consuming and disliked by ouor users. Thank you.
Your expectations are correct! After taking a closer look, this enhancement request sounds similar to this one called "Three way sync", which is looking for a sync between doc outline, table of content and section name in the document itself. The good news regarding this one is that it has moved onto our product roadmap. I'll add you to our update list for this item so you'll be notified of any movement! In the meantime, the Automated Table of Contents partially addresses this feature request in that it builds the table of contents based on sections in your outline and their title. Hope this helps!
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