Creating a Form 3 with no holdings and POA
I am new to the Workiva Section 16 filing platofmr. Can someone please advise how I would create a Form 3 with no initial beneficial ownership? In the platform I used previously, we simply left the Form 3 blank and the SEC populated the "Remarks" box with "No securities are beneficially owned." Is this how it works in Workiva File 16? Please advise. I don't seem able to find any instructions on it.
I also note that the POA is attached to the individual via CIK. I assume it won't appear as part of every filing will it? I assume I can suppress it after the initial filing that includes it?
Thank you.
Hello Melissa,
Thank you for reaching out.
That is correct, it works the same way in Workiva. The SEC will populate the remarks section automatically when no holdings are reported.
Additionally supporting documents, such as POA exhibits, must be manually uploaded to each filing - similar to the regular filing experience. So, it will only appear where you want it to!
Let us know if you have any additional questions and happy Friday.
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