External linking in ESG Tasks to URLs
CompletatoCan I create an active link to another external document (say in SharePoint) in an ESG Task? Attachments are great, but sometimes it's easier (or even feasible) to just point to known external documents. We have a lot of content both in SharePoint and Confluence.
Commento ufficiale
Hi Nick! Not currently, but on our immediate roadmap is the ability to use Workiva files or URLs as metric attachments, in addition to uploaded files. Your examples of SharePoint and Confluence are exactly the intent of that URLs-as-attachments update. Stay tuned, and thanks!
Nick Ryberg Heads up that you can now add a web address — such as to a resource in SharePoint®, Confluence®, or Google Drive® — as a metric's reference or supporting attachment. You can also now attach Workiva files in your workspace, in addition to the uploaded files you could attach before.
For more information, check out the related article in Support Center Help. Thanks!
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