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List of document types for XBRL



3 commenti

  • David Winn

    Hi Barbara -  I have a clarifying question. Is this a document that is going to be filed to the SEC and is required to be tagged with XBRL. If so the document type should match the Form Type that it will be filed as.

  • Barbara

    Hi David,

    This is going to be filed with the SEC, and is in support of an F-3 filed in June (hence the need for XBRL). However, it is being filed under a 6-K (FPI) and is only in the order of a 10-Q in that the financial pages are first and then the discussion.  It's an Exhibit to a 6-K.

  • David Winn

    Hi Barbara,

    I believe you should tag the DocumentType fact on the cover page where it says Form "F-3" since this isn't actually a 10-Q. 


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