I tipi di file classici non potranno più essere utilizzati a partire da gennaio 2021. È possibile effettuare la transizione dei file classici o scaricare un PDF. Ulteriori informazioni


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3 commenti

  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Suzi Fussman,

    Two options here: You can upload/attach PDF or .txt file to include as POA. Or you can can create a Workiva Document to put the POA narrative in to and add in the collect step to be EDGARized and submitted and labeled as Ex 24. Keep in mind, the Form Information step must be populated/updated first.
    At this time the POA has to be attached each time. 
    This community post goes over some suggestions and guidance if you would like to keep POAs in the Workiva Platform! At about the 11 minute mark of the video it briefly covers the process to upload the POA to be attached and submitted with the filing.
  • Isabel Messore
    There is also a Section 16 demo on the learning hub that covers this if you skips ahead a bit in the video to around the 20 min mark!
  • Kenny Urmie

    "At this time the POA has to be attached each time."

    That is not a step forward - it is a step backwards. Please plan to make an enhancement to restore some of the great functionality of old Section 16.





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