Bookmarks allow you to mark a location and easily navigate to it within your document. You can manage all bookmarks within the Document Bookmarks panel. In this article, you'll learn how to create a bookmark, hyperlink to a bookmark, and insert a bookmark page number.
Crear un marcador
A bookmark can be applied to text, tables, cells, images, or charts by a creator that has at least Editor permissions to the applicable document section.
To create a bookmark:
- Select content within the document page.
- Right-click and choose Create Bookmark. You can also create a bookmark from the Document Bookmarks panel by clicking the plus sign located in the top left corner of the panel.
- Locate the newly created bookmark in the Document Bookmarks panel.
Rename a bookmark
When bookmarks are created, the name of the bookmark is auto-populated based on the text selection, the word closest to the cursor when no text selection is made, or the object name (table, cell, chart, or image name). You have the option to rename a bookmark after it is created.
To rename a bookmark:
- Select a bookmark within your document.
- Right-click and choose Rename, or double-click the bookmark.
- Enter the new name of your bookmark.
- Click off of the bookmark or select Enter on your keyboard to apply changes.
Filter bookmarks
Bookmarks are stored in the Document Bookmarks panel on the left side of the page. Within the panel, the bookmarks are displayed in the order that they appear in the document. You can filter your bookmarks by selecting the filter icon on the Document Bookmarks panel. You have the option to filter by:
- Nombre
- Documento completo
- Current section
- Todos los marcadores
- Mis marcadores
Crear un hipervínculo a un marcador
You can hyperlink content in the document to the bookmarks you’ve created. Hyperlinking to a bookmark location allows you to point readers to specific content or an object within a document section.
Hyperlink to an internal bookmark
To create a hyperlink to a bookmark within the active document:
- Select content in the document.
- Haz clic con el botón derecho y selecciona Insertar hipervínculo.
- In the Create Hyperlink window, select Bookmark in this document.
- Choose which bookmark you would like to hyperlink to.
- Update the Display Text field if you would like to customize the text that appears in the document.
- Haz clic en Crear.
Hyperlink to an external bookmark
To hyperlink to a bookmark in an external document:
- Select content within your current document.
- Right-click and select Insert Hyperlink.
- In the Create Hyperlink window, choose Wdesk file and select Browse Wdesk to locate an external document.
- After the external document is selected, click the Bookmark option and choose which bookmark you want to hyperlink to.
- Update the Display Text field if you would like to customize the text that appears in the document and click Create.
Añadir un marcador a un número de página
Los números de página de los marcadores te permiten hipervincular automáticamente el número de página de un marcador dentro de tu documento. Like section page numbers, you can navigate to the location of the bookmark by clicking on the hyperlink, and the page number will automatically update if the bookmark moves to a different page in the document.
To add a bookmark page number:
- Navigate to the More dropdown menu under the Edit tab.
- Hover over Auto Text and choose Bookmark Page Number.
- Select a bookmark and click Insert.
- The automated page number of that bookmark is added to the document.
Delete a bookmark
You can delete a bookmark by right-clicking on the bookmark in the Document Bookmarks panel and selecting Delete. You can also delete the content that the bookmark is attached to within the document.
Bookmarks can be deleted by anyone with Editor permissions or higher in the section in which the bookmark is placed.
Note: If there are hyperlinks to a bookmark within the document, deleting a bookmark will break the hyperlink references. The broken hyperlinks will show "Reference no longer exists" as the source. You can re-hyperlink the broken hyperlinks or remove the hyperlink.
Exporting bookmarks
You can export bookmarks and hyperlinks to bookmarks using the following export options:
To include bookmarks in a document export:
- Navigate to the File tab within your document.
- Select Save As and choose an export option.
- Haz clic en Exportar.