During the review process, you may want to markup attachments to note requests and approvals.
Currently, you can markup the following file types:
- .docx
- .xlsx
Abrir un archivo adjunto
To markup an attachment, you’ll need to open an existing attachment in Workiva. Learn more about uploading attachments.
To open the Markup Viewer:
- From the Attachments panel, click the arrow next to an attachment.
- Select Open in Markup Viewer .
Your attachment opens in a new tab.
Utilizar la barra de herramientas de Marcado
The Markup toolbar allows you to add drawings, symbols, stamps, and text to your attachment.
You can add lines and shapes using the icons on the toolbar.
To change shape’s fill or outline color, use the dropdown menus.
To add text, select the Text tool and click in your document to add a text box. You can change the font’s size or color from the dropdown menus.
You can add different icons, like tie out symbols and tickmarks, from the options on the toolbar.
You can use the tilde key to continue adding the same markup throughout your attachment. Select a markup option from the toolbar, hold the tilde (~) key on your keyboard, and click on the attachment file to multi-insert markup.
To mark your attachment as approved or reviewed, you can add a Stamp. Select an option from the menu to automatically add your stamp to the first page of your attachment.
Your username and the date are automatically added to this stamp. Adjust your stamp’s size to view all the included information.
To remove an item, select the item and click Remove or press BACKSPACE on your keyboard.
Use the Attachments panel on the left side of the Markup viewer to switch between the files attached to your document without returning to the main document.
Export attachments with markup
After marking up your document, you can export your attachment with the markup included.
To export an individual attachment:
- From the Attachments panel in your main document, click the arrow next to the attachment.
- Select Download.
- Choose an option:
- Original downloads the file without markup.
- As PDF with Markup includes your markup content.
- Zip (original, PDF) downloads a copy of your original file and the marked up PDF into a single folder.
Para exportar varios archivos adjuntos:
- From the Attachments panel in your main document or within the Markup viewer, click Export Attachments .
- Selecciona si quieres incluir todos los archivos adjuntos o solo la sección actual.
- Para exportar el marcado con tus archivos adjuntos, selecciona Incluir marcado.
- Selecciona si quieres incluir copias de tus archivos originales:
- Si quieres incluir una copia del original de todos sus archivos, selecciona Para todos los archivos adjuntos.
- Si solo quieres incluir una copia de cada archivo, selecciona Solo para archivos adjuntos sin marcado. Tu carpeta contendrá una versión de cada archivo adjunto: un PDF marcado para todos los archivos adjuntos con marcado o el archivo original si tu archivo adjunto no contiene marcado.