Ver mi perfil
You can access your profile in the top right by clicking on the profile icon, then selecting My Profile. Your profile has three areas:
- Perfil contiene información básica como nombre, correo electrónico y foto de perfil.
- Preferencias contienen opciones para la zona horaria y el país.
- Seguridad contiene la actividad de inicio de sesión y la opción de restablecer su contraseña.
Note: We recommend assigning a unique email address to each profile in Workiva. Chains access, in particular, relies on each profile having a separate email address -- meaning users who share an email address will not be able to access Chain Builder.
Subir una foto de perfil
From the profile tab, you can add a profile picture. Adding profile picture can help you collaborate with your team, such as using comments and tasks. It’s optional, and images are kept in the in the US or EU.
Para añadir una foto de perfil:
- Haga clic en Subir foto debajo de sus iniciales.
- Select the image you want to upload from your computer. Haz clic en Abrir.
- Revise su foto y haga clic en Guardar.
Note: Based on your organization's settings, some profile details may be managed by your organization.
Manage your preferences
Zona horaria
You can select your time zone under the Preferences tab. To update your time zone, select the time zone from the dropdown options and click Save Changes. Refresh to see the updated time zone.
User interface language
You can also select the Workiva interface language under the Preferences tab. The locale is set to English (US) by default. To change the interface language, select your locale from the dropdown options, click Save Changes, and refresh.
Learn more about user interface internationalization in Workiva.
Restablecer contraseña
Under the security tab, you can reset your password.
Para restablecer su contraseña:
- Desde Mi perfil, vaya a la pestaña Seguridad.
- Bajo seguridad, haga clic en el botón Restablecer contraseña.
- On the dialog, click Reset Password.
You'll then receive an email that allows you to create a new password. The reset link in the email expires after 24 hours.
If you can't sign in, you can still reset your password from the sign in page. Click Trouble signing in, then enter your username and click Send Email.