Ctrl+alt+H highlight functionality changed?
Sometime in the last quarter, the functionality of the ctr+alt+H shortcut in documents changed from defaulting to the most recent highlight action used (e.g. if you just removed the highlight from text, using ctrl+alt+H would continue to remove highlighting until you highlighted something in yellow or some other color). It seems like now this shortcut will only act to highlight selected text in yellow. I really hope this was an oversight. I frequently used that shortcut to do lots of different highlighting actions, and the change has been a detriment during our current quarter filing process.
Hi Bryan!
Thanks for sharing. Off-hand I'm not aware of a change to that keyboard shortcut, but I'll do some digging to see if something did change it, intentionally or unintentionally. I'll let you know what I find out. Chat soon!
0Hi Mike,
I just wanted to follow up on this. We're positive the functionality changed, but really we're just looking for the keyboard shortcut to toggle to whatever color is currently selected on the highlighting tool. So if it's yellow then it highlights in yellow., if it's cyan then it highlights in cyan, if it's no color then it removes the highlight.
0Hi Chris!
Thanks for the ping. I was able to circle back on this and found that there's an issue affecting the CTRL+ALT+H shortcut you are referring to, which helps explain what you and Bryan are seeing. I will make sure that both of you get connected here and will keep you posted on its progress. Thanks again and do give us a holler if you have any questions in the meantime. Cheers!
0Hello Mike - I just wanted to touch base on this issue. I have found for my company's filings this has been a big hinderance as well.
Were there any updates to this issue that have not been posted here?
1Hi Ashley!
Sorry for the delay. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sadly, there's no new updates to give as of yet but I will definitely pass along your feedback to our product team. Thanks again and have a great holiday season in the meantime!🥂
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