Exporting, downloading the reports then importing
Hello Workiva,
I have questions for you: just started working on Workiva in Q1. We have set up our financial statements workbook on Workiva, We would export the workbook, download the system generated reports into the workbook and import back into the platform. Sometimes we made changes directly on the platform. There were times we made adjustments in the system and there were needs for us to export the workbook then re to download the updated system generated reports before imported again. However the exported reports would seem to be distorted with all the formats in various tabs completely changed. For instance, the width or the height of cells would get enlarged. For now we are required to submit the pdf report generated out of Workiva along with the workbook in excel as part of the package to our client. But the exported workbook was completely out of shape. One solution I can think of is not to export the workbook. Instead of making any number related adjustments on the Workiva platform, I would just make the updates outside then import. Please advise if there is any suggestion to make this process work better. Thank you.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for question, and a belated welcome to Workiva!
First off, I can say that we definitely strive for a near one-to-one match between what you see in your Workiva Spreadsheets and what is exported out to Excel. However, we do acknowledge that they are not always a 100%. We also are always interested in any discrepancies you find so we can work to address them and improve the overall experience. For any of those items, you can submit a ticket via the Support portal.
All that aside, based on what you are describing, there may be options for you with either Workiva Sync, APIs, or Connectors. More info on these can be found below:
If you have any questions on those items, just let me know. I'd be interested in seeing too how other Workiva users are tackling this as I'm confident you aren't the first to experience this slight snag.
Thanks again for the question and chat soon!
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