Classic file types are no longer available for use as of January 2021. You can transition your classic files or download a PDF. Learn More

Viewing a PDF in Wdesk




  • Mike

    Hi Greg!

    Ah yes, I recall this one and have found the request on our backend. This currently is a proposed suggestion with our product team, who do have an interest in adding this in. It has yet to be prioritized to be worked on, though. We will definitely continue to take requests here, and we've got your feedback connected there and will keep you apprised of that progress.

    I would think too as the digital tie out experience rolls out as well, it could provide another avenue to view uploaded files at least as a workaround. I expect those enhancements to roll-out in Q1 2022.

    Let me know if I've missed anything or you have any questions. Thanks as always for the feedback. Cheers!

  • Elah Perez

    Has there been any updates in this feature? I also thought this would be helpful.

  • MacKenzie Schrotenboer

    Hi Elah Perez,

    This request remains proposed on our product team as of now. I am happy to get you added to this request and from there, we will notify you of any updates on our end! 


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