Outline Labels - How do you use?
Hello! We have currently been using Outline Labels to show where the review status of each section. Our current process has been focused around the Financial Reporting team, since we are over the audits. That being said, we are getting more departments involved with Wdesk to prepare and review their respective footnotes. We wanted to incorporate something into our process to allow for more visibility for the review status for a footnote that is input/reviewed by another department in Wdesk (they currently are leaving comments on each page to say they have reviewed, which was their legacy process). I was thinking to add in some additional labels that are Department review specific but wanted to see what everyone here did, whether it was tracked in outlines or through another process.
Here is our current outline label structure:
Hi Murphy! A simple way to expand your outline label structure is also using them when organizing your comments! Not sure if you already use this, but thought I should mention it! Excited to read how other members use their outline labels!
Happy Tuesday!
0We don't have other departments reviewing - but here is how we use our "dots". We use a color with our name to let other team members know who is assigned to or working on a note. When the note is done, it is changed to ready for review. The note is reviewed and changed to "ready for XBRL" and when the XBRL is reviewed, it is changed to "Final". Any changes after a note is marked final must be changed back to ready for XBRL and the XBRL reviewers notified.
I'm curious to see how others answer.
0I am interested in in the new Processes file type. That might help out some of the issues.
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