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French numbering format




  • Regan Edwards

    Hi MDR! 

    You can actually activate the translation feature by contacting support, this should also allow you to format your currency the way you have listed above. I have included a help article here as well as supports contact information below! 

    Phone: 800-706-6526

  • Ebrahim Jeewa

    Hi there, 

    I am experiencing something similar, but require in a German Reporting style:

    English: $12,345.67

    German: $12.345,67

    Basically I need to replace comma with a dot to separate thousands/hundreds and a comma for cents.

    How do I achieve this?

    Thank you

  • Courtnie Carver

    Hello Ebrahim Jeewa

    German is one of our supported languages so you can request for it to be activated in your workspace by submitting a ticket here and our support engineers can get it enabled for you. 

    Thank you and let us know if you have any additional questions!


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