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Copying folders and/or documents



1 comment

  • Mike

    Hi Magdalena!

    I think I can shed a little light on the goings-on behind the scenes here, and possible a tip or two.

    From an application perspective, Workiva will automatically create a Folder whenever something is copied. We would suggest you try to run a Linked Files Report prior to copying to better understand everything that will be copied, and the copies that that in turn makes. From this report, and if you are willing, you may decide to sever those links and exclude those files upon copy.
    In addition, if you are a Workspace Owner, you can toggle to view all contents in the Workspace and perhaps see what is lingering in those folders to possible delete or move.
    Let me know if there are questions on the above recommendations, or if you need anything else. Certainly open to other's suggestions as well, and/or questions/feedback. Thanks as always and chat soon!

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