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Comment Status




  • Official comment

    Fantastic news! This feature was recently made available in the Workiva Platform. You can access it from the Comment panel in a Document and can delete all comments or resolved comments.

    Thanks so much for your awesome feedback and patience along the way. We couldn't have done it without you!

  • Mike

    Hi Ida!

    Currently you cannot bulk delete comments. You CAN, however, filter for resolved comments, for example, and then delete those out, although it would have to be one by one. And in order to delete, you'd need to be either a) the author of the comment, or b) the Owner of the file in question.

    The ability to bulk delete comments is one that's been requested before and is something we are considering, though I don't have a release timeline for it. I'll certainly keep you updated as things progress, but do let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime. Thanks much for your contributions and have a great day! 

  • Linda Piazzaroli

    Mike, FYI, even for Comments I authored, that have been resolved by another team member I have to re-open the comment to delete it.  I used to be able to just delete it once it was resolved and now I have this extra step.  A bulk delete for comments in the Audit workspace would be awesome (of course we would want to limit that functionality to Audit Managers and above)!    

  • Mike

    A quick update here. As noted on this post, the ability to bulk delete comments is planned to be done. We'll keep you updated on the status, but you can chime in here to let us know of your interest and stay tuned to Release Notes for that update as well. Thanks and have a great day!

  • Linda Piazzaroli

    Yes, we've been asking for this since we implemented the tool .. definitely still interested in the ability to bulk delete comments (by audit engagement/project, specifically or by Status for those engagements that are in report issued, closed or closed with follow-up). 



  • Dale Karasek

    I think a helpful feature would be to only allow the original author of a comment to resolve or delete for a better audit trail. I could randomly delete/resolve comments and they may not have been addressed and the author of the comment may not remember all the comments they added in a file. An unwritten rule we have is whoever authored the original comment has to be the one to resolve or delete, though this doesn't always work. Then you could send a notification "you have open comments in X document". 

  • Mike

    Thanks for sharing, Dale!


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