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Data Change Reporting




  • Greg Barnard

    I also have exported the data to Excel to do a further analysis.  The concept of the Data History tab is great and if you are well versed in the Wdesk data structure I'm sure it's pretty easy to find what you are looking for.  Sometimes I'm asked when something changed, what the previous value was, and/or who made the change.  If I play around with it long enough I can sometimes find the answer.  Other times I need to ask Support for help.  Maybe some common reports of specific data records as James mentioned, or deeper training on how to use this powerful tool would be of value.

  • Tracy Chee

    I also am investigating how best to automate the Data History Report. I have looked into excel and pivoting this data, but this process is not sustainable, nor effective. Wdata looks to be a solution as you can create tables and queries, then push the results into Wdesk spreadsheet. It would be even better if there is an API solution. Agreed with James and Greg - I also want to understand what is the functionality available to assist with reporting, dashboarding, and Workiva to provide greater clarity and definitions on the common data records that are changed. Could someone from Workiva Support provide some comments that would be helpful in this regard? 

  • Michael Lerch

    Hi everyone!  Thanks for the questions.  I think Tracy is on to something with the Wdata and/or Chains idea for something self-contained in Workiva.  You could use Wdata to snapshot a report every week or month and make comparisons over time.  Nothing out of the box for this at the moment though.  Out built-in reporting, as you know, is always live and up to date.

  • Kayla Babcock

    We are looking for this as well!

    For more detail:

    We have two different teams - One team creates the RCM and tells us what to test and at what risk. Our team tests the controls listed. There have been controls that were changed (risk, description, etc) where when we were not notified, tested them under an incorrect risk/missing test steps. We need something in place that shows changes within the RCM: controls added/removed/updated in risk, reliance, description. 

  • Greg Barnard

    We had a little training session on this last week which was helpful.  It appeared the best, and most user friendly option to us was to narrow down when the changes likely were made, use that to filter your report, and then extract to Excel.  Once in Excel you can more easily filter and search what you are looking for.  - Greg

  • Kayla Babcock

    That would be a nice fix, but when I export the Data History Report, it doesn't show me changes to the RCM. There's not a specific filter or document reference for it that I can see.

  • Tracy Chee

    Hi Kayla. In my workspace, I have the option to filter and select data type - 'control'. This may be what you are looking for if you are looking for changes to your RCM? With regard to your earlier comment, yes, agreed on proper change management in the solution. These are matters I have raised with our CSM. 

  • Kayla Babcock

    Thank you! That worked! I can't seem to see when risk was changed with the report, but it does help with all other changes!

  • Tracy Chee

    Hi Kayla, if you select data type - 'Risk', you should see the changes to Risk. The data type names should be reflected under your workspace menu option of: Data, then Data Types. 

  • Hop Nguyen

    When I use the Data History/ All Changes, I see that the records and the changes are some kind of codes/ hashed lines, how do we interpret this?

    For example: 

  • Mike

    Hi Hop!

    Thanks for the question. Off hand, I don't know for certain the answer here. The value in the "AFTER" column was your Workspace ID, which is the unique identifier for the Workiva Workspace location. It is actually found in the URL too for those members accessing. Does that help at all?


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