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Export User Permissions



1 comment

  • Mike

    Hi Erik!

    This is a great question and one that made me think. There's not a direct function to get at this info, but you can export a few items from a few source locations and get what you are looking for. Here's what I did.

    Export Advanced Permission from File
    From whatever next gen file type you are looking at, navigate to File > Permissions > Advanced Permissions.

    From the next screen, you can see all the permissions (users and groups) and their access for the file and sections alike. At the top, there is an option to Export, which saves the file down as a .csv.

    Export Members from Workspace Settings

    My next step was to export the list of the members found in the workspace. To do this, go to Settings from the top left corner. Note: you'll need to be a Workspace Owner to see this. And then from here, go to Members and then on the far right click Export.

    This export will include the info for what groups your members belong to (along with extra stuff too).

    You can use this to compare against the permission export you have before to see who is included in the groups found on your file.

    Hopefully this helps get at what you are looking for. Let me know if I've missed the mark, or you have any follow-ups for me. Thanks again and have a happy Friday in the meantime!


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