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Update dashboard to manual tracker




  • Mike

    Welcome to the Community, Louis, and thanks for the question!

    I checked with our Database team on this and they said that the only way you would be able to achieve this is to have a comment field on a data type which could be pulled into a report or dashboard. We could then set it so that it doesn't show on the data record, however this means it can only be edited from a report. Furthermore, it would not roll forward from year to year either and would need to be manually cleared.

    Does this make sense? Let me know what other questions you have, or if you need anything else. Thanks again and have a happy Friday!

  • Louis Lafond

    Hello Mike, thank you very much for your answer. 


    Do you have a tutorial which explains how to do it ? 


    Thanks in advance

  • Mike

    No problem, Louis. Happy to help.

    I don't have any specific tutorials. While this isn't an unusual request, its somewhat infrequent. In this case, your CSM would need to make some edits for you. Essentially, they could add a longstring property to the data record model and not put it on the form definition (i.e. "not show on data record"). Then they would add it to a report so they can edit there. If you send them this post, they should be able to follow. In addition, I'll connect with them too to keep them apprised.

    Thanks again and let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime. Cheers!


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