Wdata Limits
We are a real estate investment manager and one of the things that our team is responsible for is reporting on all different types of metrics about our properties. We have a large data warehouse that aggregates ~200 metrics for each of our properties, for each quarter of its hold period. Thus, we have a data set that we would like to load into Prep that has ~200 columns. However, we are hitting a wall because of the 50 column limit in Prep. Are there plans to increase that in the future? This is preventing us from furthering our implementation process.
Official comment
Katie, you can now include up to 150 columns per table. If you have more than that, we recommend you break the data into multiple tables and then join their data in a query.
Thanks for questionMichael
Hello Katie,
I'm the product manager on Wdata and I’d be interested in chat with you further. Let me know and we can connect offline.
0For future reference, these limits (and others) are published here: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036003291-Wdata-Feature-and-Developer-API-Limits.
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