Cash Flow in Workiva vs HFM
Has anyone built their cash flow (and I know it can't be 100% automated) in HFM vs Workiva - pros, cons?
We use HFM for our cash flow statement. I wouldn't really even compare the two. Workiva couldn't replicate what HFM is doing in terms of the volume of data and analysis capability. But if you are currently preparing your cash flow in excel, I would definitely consider a move to Workiva. Easier to track changes. You could have the cash flow changes pulling from the balance sheet data. You could have users provide rollforward inputs directly to a spreadsheet or DC template. But... apps like HFM and OneStream are a totally different thing. When you have a large consolidated entity, you have millions of intersections of data (entities/products/segments/cash flow accounts) that you want to be able to drill into and analyze, and that's when you need something more than spreadsheets. 0We use HFM for SCF preparation. We are large company, $30b mkt cap, 20,000 G/L accounts, 4 operating segments, one enterprise G/L system. To do SCF requires setting up a customer movement dimension; subaccount roll up accounts specific to SCF (Otherwise you end up with way too much detail) and most importantly strong controls over how transactions are booked along with segmentation of certain SCF activities into unique accounts or with unique identification (assigned input codes). Best to implement with integrator/consultant with strong HFM and SCF preparation skills.
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