XBRL validation warnings about rounding
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After seeing this for a while (see screenshot below), it is an additional step to deal with when some companies, such as ours, are not concerned with rounding differences given it is built into our reporting and disclosure. We get A LOT of these validation warnings and have to click each one and dismiss it. Wish there was a way to check a box that rounding isn't an issue for us to for the validation function to skip these checks or something like that. There are already validation checks for consistency between amounts and calculations working properly. This doesn't really help and creates additional work for folks like us.
Oh, BTW, the check isn't sensical either because sometimes the full amount calc and the rounded calc equal calculate perfectly, yet, we still get the warning. Getting a warning without enough specifics as to what is really happening isn't helpful and sends us on a goosechase that keeps us from more important priorities. We get more warnings now than before Calc 1.1 was implemented, which is antithetical to the purpose of Calc 1.1's purpose.
Another great recommendation, I'll be sure to log this feedback for the team!
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