Refreshing Connection Error
I have a chain setup that grabs a file from my desktop every morning and loads it into a Wdata Table and refreshed a Wdata query.
I now need a chain to refresh the connection that goes between my spreadsheet and the query.
I used "Refresh Connection" chain module and copies the connection ID. When I run the chain I keep getting the following error. I can refresh the connection with no issue from the spreadsheet itself. I also attached the yellow error message as well, it does not provide for detail.
Error checking connection refresh status: error uploading file to spreadsheets
Result: Error checking connection refresh status: error uploading file to spreadsheets
For anyone with this same issue, I figured it out.
In your spreadsheet, go to "File" in the menu bar, then "Permissions"
You have to go into permissions and give access to your "Connector" if that makes sense. Your Workiva connector that you used when you set up your chains.
My connector didn't have access to the spreadsheet so it was failing. As soon as I gave it owner/edit access the chain was able to run and refresh my connection.
0My connector was in the same list as other users in my company, it was easy to miss because it just looks like another name.
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